The day we first met...😍
Dear Desire and Salama,

Our time together is soon coming to an end...and knowing that you will soon leave makes me a little sad. However, the special memories you and I have created in the few weeks make me smile satisfactorily. You have brightened each of my new day with new experiences, adventure, care, hearty jokes, smiles and laughter.

It all started that day after the Managers' meeting. Remember when I hiked with you to one of the mountainous schools? We all sat in the same vehicle, and the two of you could not stop chatting. Then you asked a question, and I responded. I remember one of you saying, ''This girl has a nice voice!'' That's when I first fell in love with you.

Time went by, and you came back unexpectedly. This time you came on a more serious mission, to respond to the Refugee influx in the region. It felt like a reunion of long lost friends. I was grateful that it was the two of you that had been sent, for I knew that I would learn a lot from you.

I had no prior experience of working at a Transit centre, but you schooled me. You guided the process of establishing ourselves (the organization) at the transit amidst the chaos and disorder there. You emphasized the need of teamwork, and we approached all key people the three of us, branded in the organization visibility, and we ''made'' them to hear us out; it was not an easy start.

This did not demoralize us. Within the shortest time we had OPM and UNHCR show us where we would erect our office tent, and boom, there it was...a 100 seater tent with a huge organization logo. Besides it proudly stood two branded SCI tear drops. We had finally settled in and established a child protection tent, in which all other protection partners would sit, as per the resolution from the child protection working group meeting.

One by one things started getting into order, and it was time for each one to have a specific role/ roles. It felt like a small battalion of three energetic young ladies in the camp, for in every corner seemed to be a SCI staff up to something serious, pushing for a change in line with children's needs and protection. And each day a child smiled. There lies great sincerity in a child's ''thank you''...there is great satisfaction that derives when children scream and clap in jubilation at the announcement on the community radio about receiving clothes/ shoes/toys. It is just fulfilling to work with children.

I have sharpened my Child Protection in Emergency experience because of you. You have entrusted me with challenging roles while giving me room to improve. From taking and sharing interagency meeting minutes, having meetings with CPCs, conducting shelter monitoring, identifying Children with protection cases, conducting BIAs, making CP follow ups, offering psychosocial support to recovered COVID-19 patients from the isolation unit, supporting in massive distributions, stakeholder engagement among others, you have shown me how the game is played and its tricks.

Away from work, I found a sister in each of you and we have done so much together, respectful of each others private space and privacy. Thank you for being sisters, girlfriends, mentors, Team Leaders, and all you have been to me. You have shaped my experiences into a new desired direction which I do appreciate. I will forever be proud for all we have done to make children smile and feel protected!!!

Young sister,



  1. To this great eclipse that is still occuring , i cherish every moment of it. U often mirror me ,your taste in particular. Bundi connect.

    1. That we mirror each other is lovely. Will miss you big time, and will keep the memories shared alive.

  2. Indeed they say life teaches us every day. Capediem!! You are a sociable person Gladys.


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