According to the U.K. Surgeon Journal (1999), Mental Health  is the successful performance of the mental function resulting in productive activities, fulfilling relations with other people, and providing the ability to adapt to change and cope with adversity .
The World Health Organization states that the well being  of an individual is encompassed in the realization of their abilities, copying with normal stresses of life, productive work, and contribution to their community.
Mental Health , is a state of someone who is functioning at a satisfactory level of emotional and behavioral adjustment.
On the other hand, Mental Illness are conditions that affect a person's mood, thinking and behavior  that doesn't only affect them, but all those around them.
NOTE: People who have no mental illness can also have poor mental health.
With the novel COVID-19 terrorizing most nations in the world, the best health practices have been put inplace.Governments have put most nations under strict lockdown and curfew as a measure to curb the spread of the virus. Citizens have been advised to " Stay Home."
This has taken a toll on most citizen's mental health as there's a lot of uncertainty as to when all this will end. Many are unemployed, have little to eat, have loans that they can't pay back, rent debts that are unfulfilled ,some have lost loved ones, the restrictions on public transport  means that its hard as well as to access medical services.
Thus, Mental Health problems may arise due to stress, loneliness, lack of sleep, worry, anxiety, relationship problems, extreme mood changes, anger management issues, grief, despair, to mention but a few.All these are early symptoms of mental health illness .
In Uganda, the Deputy Police Spokesperson Polly Namaye , while addressing the media at the Uganda Media Center, cited rising reports of Domestic violence, with 328 cases reported in the first 14 days of the national COVID-19 lockdown. More 102 other cases related to Domestic Violence like missing children, child neglect,dissertation, torture, abuse, and neglect had been reported.
Could all this point to a decline in Mental Health? The lockdown was extended to another 21 days here in Uganda. It is supposed to end on 5th May,2020, and many more cases are still being reported.
So what can we do during this period to stay mentally healthy? I suggest the following to take care of our minds;

  1. Keep a positive attitude, there's no situation that is permanent.
  2. Now is the time to water your dreams and goals.
  3. Be kind to yourself and others.If you have the capacity help those in need.
  4. Stay socially connected with friends and family. Stay connected to social groups that make you belong.
  5. Do some expressive therapy; listen to music, dance, write some poetry, do some art, keep a journal, write a story.
  6. Cultivate interests and hobbies.
  7. Thoroughly clean your home.
  8. Talk to someone who understands you.
  9. Create a daily routine to kill boredom.
  10. Be active! Do some physical exercises .
  11. Read a good book.
  12. Remember the simple things that give you joy.

With all this said, I pray that we all get out of this not only physically healthy, but mentally healthy as well! Please stay safe.
Kind regards,


  1. Maintaining a good mental health is essential during this dreadful moment the world is undergoing. May also encourage constant exercise and partying with Friends and love ones. The more you connect with those who love you and stay around those who encourage you, you have chances to avoid burnout. Thanks Gladys and believe with some of these tips in your article i will survive this confinement.

    1. Thanks for appreciating...hopefully the partying is done indoors or in the home compound, with social distancing in place, as all happening places are under lockdown.We shall surely survive this!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Brenda.I urge you to keep writing too, to inspire others.

  3. Thanks Gladys for putting together this piece!Very important ideas amidst the prevailing uncertainities.

  4. It's a good piece of information and inspirational

  5. Thanks for sharing this, actually am putting my dream of doing charity work during this lock down and this piece has given me more motivation

    1. Great dream you got there! Will be thrilled to hear that it turns out all well.

  6. This is a nice topic to enlighten people about


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